Javad Baqersad
Associate Professor
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(810) 762-7494
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Ph.D. University of Massachusetts, 2015

M.S.E. University of Massachusetts, 2014

M.S. Iran University of Science and Technology, 2008

B.S. Yazd University, Iran, 2005


  • Health monitoring of structures and biological systems
  • Nn-contact dynamic measurements in mechanical systems (computer vision, DIC, and LDV)
  • Physics-informed machine learning
  • Microstructure modeling and material testing
  • Finite element analysis and model updating
  • Vibrations and acoustics
  • Modeling and testing of polymers and elastomers
  • NVH analysis with a focus on hybrid and electric vehicles
  • Vehicle and tire dynamics
  • Multibody dynamics


Playing tennis and surfing.

Favorite thing about being a faculty member

Working with motivated and goal-oriented students.